Lady Lawyers Luncheon -- Reproductive Justice: Endangered Rights in Hawaii and Nationally

  • February 26, 2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Plaza Club, 20th Floor, 900 Fort Street Mall


Please join us for lunch on Wednesday, February 26 at Noon for a discussion about Reproductive Justice:  Endangered Rights in Hawaii and Nationally.  Professor Sylvia Law will update us on recent political and legal developments that endanger the rights recognized in Roe v. Wade, including increasing efforts to restrict access to abortion and contraception; targeted restrictions on abortion providers; the effects of continued violence against clinics, and loss of access to reproductive services by many women in poverty, in the military, and in many states.  These are important issues to educate ourselves about and speak out.  We will also have time for introductions and networking.


Professor Law is the Elizabeth Dollard Professor of Law, Medicine and Psychiatry and Co-Director of the Arther Garfield Hays Civil Liberties Program at the New York University, and is a regular Visiting Professor at the Richardson School of Law.


Invite a friend or colleague - the more, the merrier! Please respond to by Friday, February 21 if possible, to let us know if you are coming. We will meet at the Plaza Club, 20th Floor, 900 Fort Street Mall, on February 26 at Noon. We will have an in-room lunch buffet with salad, soup, sandwich and desert for $22 (tea/drink is another $4-$5). If you are an HWL member, mention that in your RSVP and you will be entered in a drawing for two free lunches for HWL members. If you need to cancel after making an RSVP, please let us know ASAP, before the reservation deadline, so we don't get charged for your meal!
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