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Lady Lawyers Luncheon - How the Affordable Care Act Impacts You & Hawai'i
October 15, 2012
12:00 PM
Plaza Club
Please join us for lunch on Monday, October 15 at Noon to hear how about the ACA will impact women, children, seniors, our health care industry, and Hawaii. Heralded as the most important federal legislation in over 50 years, the ACA will transform health insurance and health services in the U.S, from reproductive care and insurance mandates, to Medicare and health industry restructuring. Ellen Godbey Carson, recognized as Honolulu's Healthcare Lawyer of the Year, will lead our discussion and help answer questions you may have.
Invite a friend or colleague - the more, the merrier! Please respond to
by Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 to let us know if you are coming.
We will meet at the Plaza Club, 20th Floor, 900 Fort Street Mall. Lunch costs range from $12.00 to $22.00 ($20.00 for the big salad bar), tea/drinks are another $3.00-5.00.
If you are an HWL member, mention that in your RSVP and you will be entered in a drawing for two free lunches for HWL members.
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