Elizabeth Kent started work in her early teens, stringing and selling puka shell necklaces. Since then she has worked in a variety of interesting and challenging positions, including life guarding, serving as the first female park ranger in the maintenance division at Haleakala National Park, clerking at the US Court of Appeals for the Second and Ninth Circuits (New York and San Francisco), practicing commercial law, serving as the Deputy Director at Hawai`i’s Department of Human Services, and directing the Hawaii State Judiciary’s Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Elizabeth is a facilitator and mediator, teaches a graduate class at the University of Hawaii in conflict system design, teaches conflict resolution skills, and is a member of the Accord3.0 Network. She also is an artist, designing wearable art from vintage kimono.
Invite a friend or colleague - the more, the merrier! Please respond to rosep@ahfi.com by Friday, January 23 to let us know you are coming. We will meet at Alston Hunt Floyd and Ing, 1001 Bishop Street (American Savings Bank Tower), 20th Floor. Bring a bag lunch or snack, we will provide beverages. And bring some of your business cards for networking, to help introduce yourself to others.
gue - the more, the merrier! Please respond to rosep@ahfi.com by Friday, January 23 to let us know you are coming. We will meet at Alston Hunt Floyd and Ing, 1001 Bishop Street (American Savings Bank Tower), 20th Floor. Bring a bag lunch or snack, we will provide beverages. And bring some of your business cards for networking, to help introduce yourself to others.